🇺🇦 Іван Федоров / Мелітополь / міський голова
‼️Сьогодні увага міжнародної спільноти, українців і особливо жителів поки що окупованих територій України прикута до подій на півдні нашої держави. Звільнено населені пункти Миколаївщини. Активно триває деокупація Херсонщини. Сьогодні ми, як і весь… https://t.me/ivan_fedorov_melitopol/851
Today, the attention of the international community, Ukrainians, and especially residents of the currently occupied territories of Ukraine is focused on the events in the south of our country.
The settlements of Mykolaiv region have been liberated. The de-occupation of Kherson region is actively continuing.
Today, we, like the whole world, rejoice in people of Kherson. The long-awaited Ukrainian flag finally flew again on the central square of Kherson.
And no one has any doubts: the flag of Ukraine will soon return to the central square of Melitopol.
Also, recent events both in Kherson region and Melitopol district have shown: no enemy and traitor will escape. The occupiers and collaborators are destroyed either by Russian special services or by Ukrainian resistance forces.
We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! We believe in the fastest possible de-occupation of Melitopol!