🇺🇦 Іван Федоров / Мелітополь / міський голова
‼️Сьогодні вранці ворог випустив 16 ракет по Запоріжжю. Три з них влучили в колону авто цивільних людей, які стояли в черзі на виїзд з міста. Станом на 12:00 25 людей загинуло, 62 поранено, серед них жінки та діти, в тому числі мелітопольці. 5-річній дитині… https://t.me/ivan_fedorov_melitopol/630
‼️This morning, the enemy fired 16 rockets at Zaporizhzhia. Three of them hit a convoy of civilian cars waiting in line to leave the city.
As at 12:00, 25 people were killed, 62 were wounded. Among them were women and children, including Melitopol citizens. A 5-year-old child was hit by a shrapnel in his stomach. The doctors are fighting for his life. A 3-year-old child miraculously survived, but remained an orphan.
Volunteers were injured. They were just transporting medicines to the temporarily occupied territories and evacuating people from there. These were also ordinary people who were going to support their relatives and come back.
The enemy immediately reported that he had hit a “strategic object” with a high-precision weapon. So, does Russia’s strategy lay in destruction of civilians?
Moreover, the occupiers announced that today there will be a “holiday” on the occasion of the “referendum” in Melitopol. Otherwise, it cannot be called nothing more than a dancing on blood.
Supporters of the “Russian world” expected to join Russia – they got the Zaporizhzhia People’s Republic (ZPR). It is a quasi-republic that will not be recognized by anyone.
However, it is not for long. We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and will return our native home. We will never forgive.